Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A day at Many Glacier

Today we mixed it up a little..after moving to a closer campsite.. we spent the day at Mom and Dad's lodge..
Grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch..except there was nowhere to legally cook we brought our supplies .. to the end of the parking lot..and made them in record time with our campstove on the ground next to the horse stables..We carried them back to a hungry crew down by the lake just outside the Lodge..With beer and pop and chips and Apple was delish..

After we ate..Grandpa took Nick and Zach out on the lake in a canoe..and the rest of us went on a ranger led tour of the old lodge..Once the tour ended..we went our to see where the boys didn't take long before we heard "Hi MOM..HI DAD! " from the middle of the lake..I swear I could hear them laughing from there..
and they were making a be line for the show..I knew something was up..
We met them at the dock as they came in..and they were both talking as fast as they could..We went over there too the place they told us we weren't supposed to go..Grandpa picked the canoe up and carried it over the hill..we got back in then grandpa ran and jumped in while the canoe was moving.. and we raced down the  rapids! (Our something close to that)..honestly they were so enthusiastic it was hard to catch all the details..
Zach did end it saying they declared it "Barrus_opia"..and I am sure that whatever really happened in that boat for that one hour will be remembered by my two youngest for a very long time..well done are their hero..!
To top it off
Zach and Nick took a 2 minute swim in the icy cold waters of the lake..after seeing 4 college aged people from Australia do it on a bet from their friends up on the deck..Zach saw it as a personal challenge and Nick had to keep up with his big brother..I went in to my knees and dang it was muscle cramping cold!
the boys got loud cheers from the college aged group.. challenge complete!
I was deficient in the picture taking today because my phone was back in the room charging..sorry folks.. but it was a great afternoon had by all.! Linda

1 comment:

  1. We always knew Zach is going to be the guy who takes up all the challenges at College. Start em early.
