Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Take 2!

Happy summer everyone..and thanks for joining us..!

I can hardly believe we are able to road trip to the National Parks again..our first trip was two summer's ago..a trip of a lifetime..26 days..and 12 parks..(if my memory serves me right)..Christian and I had talked for years about one day taking our kids out west to see the parks .. then 2012 was it.! The stars were aligning.. With my graduation in May of that year and new position at Cleveland Clinic I was able to get a large block of time off ..Nick was just about old enough to handle it ..we hoped..Nate wasn't working yet.. and so after Christian's nearly 9 months of thoughtful planning.. we were off!  The Barrusroadtrip2012 was filled with more adventure and excitement than any one of us could have anticipated..

So now to be able to do it a second time is incredible..!
We will be traveling to 5 National Parks..Teddy Roosevelt, Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Rocky Mountain in 20 days ..AND..this time Christian's parents will be meeting us out there for most of it so we can share the experience with them..

We are planning on leaving sometime early Thursday..(Nate and Josh are pushing to leave Wedneday night )..but whenever we are ready..the minivan will pull on out for barrusroadtrip2014.. and God willing we will have safe travels..good weather and tons more wonderful memories..

We hear that Internet access/ reception is unreliable up in the mountains..so will post updates to the blog as often as we are able..

Thanks for following us..it is fun to share our journey with our family and friends..enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about your trip. Have a safe and enjoyable journey!
